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By Kwaku Darko-Mensah Jnr.


Monsoon winds brewed in the afterlife
Have made landfall, concealing daylight.

I’ve come to see with you in the dark,

The flame you’ve nursed inside;
Is it the Sun god reclaiming a false night?

Providing us cover from the breached dam?

What snakes through the crack in the wall?
That solitary ray which fills the pot

And streaks your spot in the bed,

Mapping out for us
The driest places on earth?

I enter the season of floods with redemptive thoughts
For houses planted in waterways.

A piece of a cloud has broken through my window.

A path clears where my heart should be.
That’s no place to put a road.

Cerulean skies exit the foot of my bed, heaving
My mind wells to disorderly heights.

I’ve slept on hard water,

My things are in the gutter.
The neighbourhoods are awash

With muddy children trying to unstick
Strong cars from the earth.

Flood Season

Flood Season - A book of poetry by Kwaku Darko-Mensah Jnr.

After over a decade working as a musician under the name Kae Sun, Kwaku Darko-Mensah Jnr. makes a full-blooded return to poetry. His début Flood Season explores diasporic lives, the tensions between who we are and the clichés that surround our nation states, and hybridity.

PUBLISHER: Flipped Eye Publishing
